Time Series Chart
The Time Series Chart widget is a powerful visualization tool that enables users to track data over time. It allows for detailed analysis of trends by mapping metrics against time on the x-axis and visualizing multiple data series on the y-axis. This chart supports various visual styles, multiple series, and advanced customization.
Key Features:
- Customizable X-Axis: Set time ranges for analysis to focus on specific periods.
- Multiple Y-Axis Series: Add multiple data series to compare metrics across different digital twins or capabilities.
- Chart Types: Choose from various chart styles such as line, area, or bar charts.
- Dynamic Y-Axis Scaling: Automatically adjusts based on the minimum and maximum values of the selected capabilities.
- Advanced Visualization: Customize the Y-axis position (left or right) for better data differentiation.
Use Cases:
- Trend Analysis: Monitor key metrics such as production rates, energy usage, or environmental factors over time.
- Comparative Insights: Compare performance across multiple data series to identify patterns or correlations.
- Real-Time Monitoring: Visualize live data streams for real-time insights and decision-making.
Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up the Time Series Chart
- Navigate to Dashboards.
- Click on the pencil icon in the top-right corner.
- Click on the Add Widget icon.
- Select Time Series Chart and click Next.
- Fill out the following fields:
- Widget Name: Enter a descriptive name for the widget (e.g., "Production Trends").
- Time Range (X-Axis): Select the time range for the x-axis (e.g., "Last 7 Days").
- Add a data series for the Y-axis:
- Click Add Series and configure the following:
- Label: Enter a name for the data series (e.g., "Output Rate").
- Digital Twin: Select the digital twin from which to retrieve data.
- Time Capability: Choose the time capability for the data (e.g., timestamp).
- Aggregation Type: Define how the data is aggregated (e.g., average, sum, count).
- Capability: Select the specific capability to plot (e.g., production rate, energy usage).
- Chart Type: Choose the visualization style for the data series (e.g., line chart, area chart).
- Y-Axis Position: Set the Y-axis placement (e.g., left or right).
- (Optional) Enable Automatic Y-Axis Range to scale the axis dynamically based on the data range.
- Click Add Series and configure the following:
- (Optional) Add more series:
- Click Add Series to include additional metrics or data sources for comparison.
- Click Submit to finalize the widget setup.
- Click Save to apply the widget to your dashboard.
Your Time Series Chart is now configured, enabling you to analyze trends, compare metrics, and gain actionable insights over time.