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Time Series Chart

The Time Series Chart widget is a powerful visualization tool that enables users to track data over time. It allows for detailed analysis of trends by mapping metrics against time on the x-axis and visualizing multiple data series on the y-axis. This chart supports various visual styles, multiple series, and advanced customization.

Key Features:

  • Customizable X-Axis: Set time ranges for analysis to focus on specific periods.
  • Multiple Y-Axis Series: Add multiple data series to compare metrics across different digital twins or capabilities.
  • Chart Types: Choose from various chart styles such as line, area, or bar charts.
  • Dynamic Y-Axis Scaling: Automatically adjusts based on the minimum and maximum values of the selected capabilities.
  • Advanced Visualization: Customize the Y-axis position (left or right) for better data differentiation.

Use Cases:

  • Trend Analysis: Monitor key metrics such as production rates, energy usage, or environmental factors over time.
  • Comparative Insights: Compare performance across multiple data series to identify patterns or correlations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Visualize live data streams for real-time insights and decision-making.

Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up the Time Series Chart

  1. Navigate to Dashboards.
  2. Click on the pencil icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Click on the Add Widget icon.
  4. Select Time Series Chart and click Next.
  5. Fill out the following fields:
    • Widget Name: Enter a descriptive name for the widget (e.g., "Production Trends").
    • Time Range (X-Axis): Select the time range for the x-axis (e.g., "Last 7 Days").
  6. Add a data series for the Y-axis:
    • Click Add Series and configure the following:
      • Label: Enter a name for the data series (e.g., "Output Rate").
      • Digital Twin: Select the digital twin from which to retrieve data.
      • Time Capability: Choose the time capability for the data (e.g., timestamp).
      • Aggregation Type: Define how the data is aggregated (e.g., average, sum, count).
      • Capability: Select the specific capability to plot (e.g., production rate, energy usage).
      • Chart Type: Choose the visualization style for the data series (e.g., line chart, area chart).
      • Y-Axis Position: Set the Y-axis placement (e.g., left or right).
      • (Optional) Enable Automatic Y-Axis Range to scale the axis dynamically based on the data range.
  7. (Optional) Add more series:
    • Click Add Series to include additional metrics or data sources for comparison.
  8. Click Submit to finalize the widget setup.
  9. Click Save to apply the widget to your dashboard.

Your Time Series Chart is now configured, enabling you to analyze trends, compare metrics, and gain actionable insights over time.