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Subscription access level

This section describes all operations that a Subscription access level user can perform with Reports

What is the Reports Feature in Facts?

The "Reports" feature in FACTS is designed to address the current challenges users face when sharing system data. Traditionally, users had to manually extract and compile data through print screens or exports, a process that is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. The new report functionality streamlines this process by enabling the automated generation and sharing of data in a comprehensive manner, with reports being produced in PDF format for easy access and compatibility across devices.

Additionally, this feature reduces the manual burden of report distribution by allowing users to set recurring schedules for automatic report generation and delivery. Users can specify the recipients and trigger dates or periods for these reports, ensuring timely and consistent sharing of critical information. Moreover, users have the option to group related reports on specific topics, such as 'Sustainability,' into a single message, minimizing inbox clutter and improving the efficiency of communication.

Prerequisites for the Reports Feature

What can you do in the Report feature?

  • Create reports: The "Create Reports" feature enables you to efficiently produce detailed reports from your data, simplifying the process of sharing insights with stakeholders. With just a few clicks, you can compile relevant information into a PDF format, making it accessible and ready for distribution.

  • Reports overview: In the "Reports Overview" section, you can view all the reports that have been created, along with key details such as their latest status, last updated time, and the person who updated them. Additionally, from this view, you have the ability to edit, delete, and download reports, providing a convenient way to manage and access your data efficiently.

  • Print History: In the "Print History" section, you can view a log of all the reports that have been printed, along with important details such as their current status, the date and time they were printed, and the user who initiated the printing. This overview helps you keep track of your printing activities, providing a clear record of when and by whom each report was printed.


Create a Report

  1. Navigate to the Reports section.
  2. Click the "+" symbol to create a new report.
  3. Provide a name for the report in the Name field.
  4. Select the relevant organizational unit from the Organizational Unit dropdown menu.

First, you need to create an Organizational and Organizational Unit in Facts.

  1. Choose a dashboard from the Dashboard dropdown menu.

  2. Select a dashboard page from the Dashboard page dropdown menu.


First, you need to create an Dashboard and Dashboard Pages in Facts

  1. Enter the introduction text in the Introduction field.

Enter descriptive free text that accurately reflects the content of the report._

  1. Specify the number of printed versions saved in the Number of printed versions saved field.

The user can specify the number of printed versions that the system should save.

  1. Click Create to finalize the report setup.

View and Manage Reports

  1. Navigate to the Reports section.
  2. Click on a report to view its details.

The Overview tab displays basic information such as the report name, organizational unit, dashboard, dashboard tab, introduction, number of printed versions saved, Lasted state, updated and updated by.

The Print History tab shows the print history of the report, including the state, printed date, and printed by information.

  1. To edit a report, click the Edit button in the report details view.

  2. Modify the necessary details and click Update to save changes.

  3. To delete a report, click the Delete button and confirm the deletion.

Download a Report

  1. Navigate to the Reports section.
  2. Click on a report to view its details.
  3. In the Print History tab, click the Download button next to the report you wish to download.