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Establishing Service Connection with IoT Central

Environment access level


  • An active Azure IoT Central account.

  • Gather the required information:

    • Application ID: The Azure resource application id.
    • Subdomain: The subdomain of the IoT Central Application.
    • API Key: The API Key to connect with the IoT Central Application.
    • Subscription ID: The subscription where the IoT Central Application is deployed.
    • Resource Name: The IoT Central Application resource name.
    • Deployed set of the Facts Shared resources
    • Deployed IoT service of the Facts platform
    • Azure permissions: Contributor role and Owner or User Access Administrator role


Configure the IoT Central application

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal and go to Access control (IAM).
  2. Assign the service identity the Reader role to the resource group that contains the IoT Central Application (alternatively, you can do this on the global level of the Azure Subscription).
  3. Select the IoT Central resource that you want to integrate.
  4. Make sure you are logged in with the Contributor role to this sesource.
  5. Navigate to Settings > Identity.
  6. Set the Status toggle to On.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Make sure you are logged in with the Owner role or User Access Administrator role.
  9. Navigate to Permissions > API Tokens.
  10. Create a new token and assign it a name in the Token name field.
  11. Give the token access to all organisations (root object) by selecting the root organisation in the Organization dropdown.
  12. Set the token's role to Add Administrator in the Role dropdown.
  13. Select Generate.

Configure Inimco.facts

  1. Log in to Inimco.Facts and select Service Connection.
  2. Create a new service connection and choose IoT Central.
  3. Input Connection Details as follows:
"applicationId": "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",
"subDomain": "YOUR_SUBDOMAIN",
"apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
"subscriptionId": "YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID",
"resourceName": "YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME"

Replace placeholders like YOUR_APPLICATION_ID with the appropriate values from your IoT Central setup:

  • applicationId: Enter your Azure resource application id.
  • subDomain: Input the subdomain of your IoT Central Application.
  • apiKey: Provide the API Key used to connect with your IoT Central Application.
  • subscriptionId: Input the subscription ID where your IoT Central Application resides.
  • resourceName: Enter the IoT Central Application resource name.
  1. Confirm and save.