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Widgets are customisable visual elements that display real-time telemetry data from devices on a dashboard in IoT Central. There are three main types of widgets available in the platform, each designed to provide different types of data insights to users.

Latest State widget

Displays the most recent telemetry data from a selected device.

From the Select a device menu, you can choose a device from which to receive telemetry data.

From the Select a capability menu, you can pick a capability of the chosen device to display in the widget.

In the Widget name field, you can input the name you want the widget to display.

You can apply conditional formatting to a value that this widget will show. To do so, select the necessary condition from the condition field, input the trigger value into the Value field, enter the label name into the Label field, and choose the desired color. When the specified condition is met, the value will be highlighted on the widget in the selected color. You can add multiple conditions.

Line Chart widget

This widget enables you to display historical telemetry data of a device as a line chart. . Admins can define the devices from which you collect data, the capabilties of these devices, widget name, aggregation type and time range of the data.

From the Select devices menu, you can choose one or more devices from which to receive telemetry data.

From the Select capabilities menu, you can pick one or more capabilities of the chosen device or devices to display in the widget.

In the Widget name field, you can input the name you want the widget to display.

You can choose the necessary data aggregation type from the Select data aggregation type menu, as well as the time range for data collection from the Select time range field.

Bar Chart widget

This widget enables you to display historical telemetry data of a device as a bar chart. . Admins can define the devices from which you collect data, the capabilties of these devices, widget name, aggregation type, time range of the data and visualisation type.

This widget enables you to display historical telemetry data of a device as a line chart. . Admins can define the devices from which you collect data, the capabilties of these devices, widget name, aggregation type and time range of the data.

From the Select devices menu, you can choose one or more devices from which to receive telemetry data.

From the Select capabilities menu, you can pick one or more capabilities of the chosen device or devices to display in the widget.

In the Widget name field, you can input the name you want the widget to display.

You can choose the necessary data aggregation type from the Select data aggregation type menu, the time range for data collection from the Select time range field and the visualisation type from the Select visualisation menu.

Microsoft 365 Widget

This widget enables you to integrate and display Microsoft 365 documents directly within your Inimco.facts dashboard.

From the Widget name field, you can input the specific name you want the widget to display, making it recognizable and relevant to its content or purpose.

In the Embed Code field, you'll need to input the embedding code associated with the Microsoft 365 document or item. This code is typically generated from the Microsoft 365 platform when you opt to share a document and choose the Embed option.

Power BI Widget

This widget enables you to integrate and showcase Power BI reports or dashboards directly within your Inimco.facts dashboard.

From the Widget name field, you can input the specific name you want the widget to display, making it identifiable and tailored to its content.

In the Power BI Widget Type dropdown, you can choose between embedding a 'Report' or a 'Dashboard', depending on the kind of Power BI visualization you aim to integrate.


Before proceeding, ensure that you have established a connection to the Power BI service on Inimco.facts. Once that's in place, you can select the relevant connection from the PowerBIService Connection dropdown.

From the Power BI Resource dropdown, choose the specific report or dashboard you want to embed. This dropdown will populate based on the resources available through the selected PowerBI Service Connection.

Embedded Application Widget

This widget facilitates the integration of external applications directly into your Inimco.facts dashboard.

In the Widget name field, you can input the distinct name you want the widget to display.

In the Embed URL field, enter the direct URL of the application you intend to embed. Ensure that the provided URL is correct and accessible.

Value Chart Average Widget

The Value Chart Average Widget provides a comprehensive visualization of data by highlighting the average values while also giving the option to showcase the minimum and maximum data points.

Begin by selecting the appropriate organizational unit from the Unit (Organization) dropdown menu.

In the Widget Name field, designate a specific name for your widget to aid users in identifying its purpose or the data it represents.

Use the Date Range dropdown to specify the timeframe for which you want to visualize the data, whether it's a week, month, or custom date range.

To ensure data precision or to generalize data points, select the desired rounding value from the Rounding field. Enhance your data visualization by toggling on the switches for Minimum, Maximum or Trends types of rounding.

Click on the + Add Condition button to incorporate specific filters to your data. From the provided options, select a condition (equals, does not equal, is greater than, etc.) and input the corresponding data value in the Value field. Designate a name for this condition using the Label field. To visually distinguish this condition, pick a color from the Color selector.

You can continue to add more conditions as necessary, tailoring the widget to display data that aligns with your specific monitoring or analysis needs.

Heat Map Widget

The Heat Map widget offers a visually intuitive representation of data in a matrix format. By utilizing color variations, this widget allows you to easily identify trends, patterns, and outliers within a given dataset.

Choose the relevant metric you wish to visualize from the Metric dropdown menu. This forms the core of what your heatmap will represent.

To ensure data pertinence, select the desired organizational unit from the Unit (Organization) dropdown menu.

Depending on the nature of your data, select an appropriate aggregation type from the Aggregation Type dropdown. Options might include averages, sums, counts, or other aggregative measures.

Clearly identify your heatmap by entering a suitable title into the Widget Name field. This ensures users can quickly discern the heatmap's purpose or the data it's showcasing.

Define the time span of your data by picking a specific range from the Date Range dropdown. Whether you're looking to analyze data from a specific quarter, month, or a custom timeframe, this option allows for flexibility.

Adjust the resolution of the data on the horizontal axis using the Granularity X dropdown. This determines how data will be grouped on the X-axis, be it by days, weeks, months, or any other interval. Similarly, define the data resolution for the vertical axis with the Granularity Y dropdown. This sets how data will be segmented on the Y-axis, providing another dimension to your analysis.

Value Chart Sum Widget

The Value Chart Sum widget provides a comprehensive view of accumulated data, focusing on the overall sum while also offering insights into the average, minimum, and maximum values.

Initiate your analysis by selecting the appropriate metric from the Metric dropdown menu.

Narrow down your dataset by specifying the organizational segment. Choose the relevant unit or department from the Unit (Organisation) dropdown to tailor the data to a specific division or team within your organization.

Give your chart a clear and concise identifier by typing into the Widget Name field. This helps users immediately understand the data and purpose of the widget.

Capture the desired timeframe for your data analysis by choosing from the Date Range dropdown.

Ensure your figures are presented in a user-friendly manner by defining the desired number of decimal places in the Rounding field. Enhance your data visualization by toggling on the switches for Minimum, Maximum or Trends types of rounding.

Donut Chart Widget

The Donut Chart widget serves as a visually captivating tool to represent data in a segmented circle, allowing users to quickly discern proportions and relationships between different data points.

Begin by clicking on the +Add Group button. This allows you to define individual segments or categories within your donut chart, helping distinguish between varying data points or metrics.

For each group, select the relevant data indicator from the Metric field. Each chosen metric will represent a distinct segment in the donut chart.

To ensure the data is pertinent to a specific segment of your organization, select the desired unit or department from the Unit (Organisation) dropdown.

Determine how you'd like the data to be processed and represented. By selecting an option from the Aggregation Type field, you're defining if the data should be summed, averaged, counted, etc. This influences how the metric is calculated and subsequently displayed in the chart.

Assign a descriptive identifier to your chart by entering a name in the Widget Name field. This ensures viewers immediately grasp the purpose and data realm of the widget.

Choose the desired time span for your data representation from the Date Range dropdown.