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Real-Time Calculations

Subscription access level

This section describes all operations that a Subscription access level user can perform with Calculations (Real-Time).

What are Real-Time Calculations in Facts?


Real-time calculations in Inimco.facts are essential for dynamic data processing, enabling immediate analysis and response to data as it is received from connected devices. This feature ensures that organizations can make timely decisions based on the most current information, enhancing operational efficiency and agility. Real-time calculations can handle a variety of data inputs and perform operations ranging from simple transformations to complex computations using familiar Excel formulas. The platform supports the creation, editing, testing, and deletion of these calculations, with flexible triggering options such as time-based Cron expressions or event-based triggers. Additionally, significant data changes can automatically trigger outbound events, ensuring prompt notifications and actions. This powerful functionality is crucial for applications like industrial automation, energy management, and smart infrastructure, where real-time insights are vital for maintaining efficiency and proactive system management.

What can we do with Real-Time Calculations in Facts?

Create, Edit, and Delete Real-Time Calculations: This includes setting up new real-time calculations, modifying existing ones, and removing outdated calculations. These calculations can range from simple data processing to complex operations based on specific formulas and schedules.

Manage Real-Time Data Processing and Reporting: The platform allows for the real-time organization and analysis of data across various devices and units. This facilitates informed decision-making through timely insights into operational performance.

Customize Real-Time Data Handling According to Organizational Needs: Organizations can tailor how real-time data is collected, processed, and acted upon, ensuring that the analysis aligns with their specific requirements and goals.


Create a Real-Time Calculation

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Calculations section.
  3. Click on the Real-Time tab.
  4. Click the + symbol to add a new real-time calculation.
  5. Provide a name for the calculation in the Name field.
  6. Enter a description in the Description field.
  7. Select the relevant device from the Devices dropdown menu.
  8. Choose Real-Time as the triggering type from the Triggering Type dropdown menu.
  9. Select the required inbound and outbound capabilities from the respective dropdown menus.
  10. (Optional) Check the Outbound Events box if this calculation should produce an event.
  11. Download the provided Excel template and apply the relevant calculations using standard Excel formulas tailored to your requirements.
  12. Upload the completed Excel file back to the platform.
  13. Click Create Real-Time Calculation to finalize the setup.

Create a Time-Triggered Calculation

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Calculations section.
  3. Click on the Real-Time tab.
  4. Click the + symbol to add a new calculation.
  5. Provide a name for the calculation in the Name field.
  6. Enter a description in the Description field.
  7. Select the relevant device from the Devices dropdown menu.
  8. Choose Time-Triggered as the triggering type from the Triggering Type dropdown menu.
  9. Define the schedule using the Cron Expression field or the Cron Expression Editor.
  10. Select the required inbound and outbound capabilities from the respective dropdown menus.
  11. (Optional) Check the Outbound Events box if this calculation should produce an event.
  12. Download the provided Excel template and apply the relevant calculations using standard Excel formulas tailored to your requirements.
  13. Upload the completed Excel file back to the platform.
  14. Click Create Real-Time Calculation to finalize the setup.

Test a Calculation

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Calculations section.
  3. Click on the Real-Time tab.
  4. Select the calculation you want to test.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Test Calculation.
  6. Provide the necessary input data in the Input Data field.
  7. Click Test to run the calculation and verify the accuracy and functionality of your real-time data processing.

Update a Real-Time Calculation

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Calculations section.
  3. Click on the Real-Time tab.
  4. Select the calculation you want to update.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Edit Calculation.
  6. Modify the necessary details, such as the name, description, devices, triggering type, capabilities, and Excel file with rules.
  7. Click Update Real-Time Calculation to save your changes.

Delete a Real-Time Calculation

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Calculations section.
  3. Click on the Real-Time tab.
  4. Select the calculation you want to delete.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Delete Calculation.
  6. Confirm deletion by clicking YES.

Archive a Real-Time Calculation

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Calculations section.
  3. Click on the Real-Time tab.
  4. Select the calculation you want to archive.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Archive.