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Access control

Subscription access level

This section describes all operations that a Subscription access level user can perform with Users.

What is access control in Inimco.facts?

Access control refers to the process of controlling user access to different functionalities within a subscription in Inimco.facts. By default, the user roles within a subscription are member and admin, but these roles can be customised based on the user's needs. Users can be invited to join the subscription and assigned the basic member role, while the admin can access the access control settings to assign different roles to users. User roles can be assigned as reader or admin and are divided into different functionalities such as device, dashboard, and rule. Subscription functionality only supports admin roles.

What can we do with the access control in Inimco.facts?

  • Add a New User: You can onboard new users by assigning them access to Inimco.facts through the Access control section.
  • Edit User's Roles: Modify the roles and permissions of existing users to control their access levels within Inimco.facts. This process includes toggling role assignments to ensure users have the correct permissions for their job functions.
  • Delete a User: Remove users from having access to Inimco.facts when they no longer require it, ensuring that only current authorized users can access the system.


Add a new user

  1. Log in to Inimco.facts. You will be taken to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to Access control.
  3. Select the + icon in the top right corner.
  4. Select the user from the User dropdown.
  5. Click ADD USER.

Edit user's roles

  1. Log in to Inimco.facts. You will be taken to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to Access control.
  3. Click the ellipsis (...) in the row entry of the user whose roles you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit roles.
  5. Toggle the checkboxes to adjust the user's roles as needed.
  6. Click EDIT ROLES.

Delete a user

  1. Log in to Inimco.facts. You will be taken to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to Access control.
  3. Click the ellipsis (...) in the row entry of the user you want to delete.
  4. Click Remove user.
  5. Confirm deletion.