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Subscription access level

This section describes all operations that a Subscription access level user can perform with Reports

What are Reports in Inimco.facts?


Creating and sharing data reports manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. The report functionality in the system allows users to share data in a comprehensive and automated way. Reports are generated in PDF format to ensure easy accessibility and compatibility across devices. This feature enhances the user experience by providing a seamless way to distribute important data insights to stakeholders. By automating the reporting process, it saves time and ensures accuracy and consistency in the information shared. Users can define specific parameters for their reports, such as organizational units, dashboards, and time ranges, allowing for highly customized and relevant data presentations. Moreover, the ability to group related reports into a single message helps manage notifications effectively, ensuring that recipients are not overwhelmed with multiple messages. This organized approach to data sharing helps in maintaining clear communication and facilitates better decision-making processes within the organization.

Key Features

  • Automated Reporting: Reports can be set up to generate automatically at specified intervals. This is achieved by defining a recurring date or period during the report creation process. Users can select recipients for the reports, ensuring that stakeholders receive up-to-date information without manual intervention. The automation reduces the administrative burden and ensures timely data distribution.

  • PDF Format: Reports are generated in PDF format to maintain consistency and ensure compatibility across different devices and platforms. This format is widely accessible, making it easy for recipients to view and share the reports.

  • Grouping Reports: Users have the option to group related reports into a single message. This feature helps to avoid overwhelming recipients with multiple notifications. For example, reports on specific topics like ‘Sustainability’ can be bundled together, providing a comprehensive view in one communication.

  • Streamlined Data Sharing: The reporting feature simplifies the data sharing process by automating the extraction and compilation of data. Users can focus on analyzing the insights rather than spending time on manual data collection. This leads to more efficient workflows and better-informed decision-making.


Create a Report

  1. Log in to Inimco Facts. This will direct you to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to the Reports section.
  3. Click the + symbol to create a new report.
  4. Provide a name for the report in the Name field.
  5. Select the relevant organizational unit from the Organizational unit dropdown menu.
  6. Choose a dashboard from the Dashboard dropdown menu.
  7. Select a dashboard page from the Dashboard page dropdown menu.
  8. Define the time range for the report using the Time range dropdown menu.
  9. Enter the introduction text in the Introduction field.
  10. Specify the number of printed versions saved in the Number of printed versions saved field.
  11. Click Create to finalize the report setup.

View and Manage Reports

  1. Navigate to the Reports section.
  2. Click on a report to view its details.
  3. The Overview tab displays basic information such as the report name, organizational unit, dashboard, time range, and the number of printed versions saved.
  4. The Print History tab shows the print history of the report, including the state, printed date, and printed by information.
  5. To edit a report, click the Edit button in the report details view.
  6. Modify the necessary details and click Update to save changes.
  7. To delete a report, click the Delete button and confirm the deletion.

Download a Report

  1. Navigate to the Reports section.
  2. Click on a report to view its details.
  3. In the Print History tab, click the Download button next to the report you wish to download.