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Setting Up Telemetry from Email Feature

Environment access level

The Telemetry from Email feature is designed to allow the Inimco.facts to integrate and retrieve energy data sent via email. This tutorial will guide administrators on configuring the email service connection and enabling the transfer of data from email messages.


The system scans a designated email inbox for XML files that contain telemetry data like power consumption, voltage, and more. Data from these files is automatically mapped to the respective devices in Inimco.facts.


  • Admin access to the IoT platform
  • Credentials and necessary details for the email from which CP Energie sends the telemetry data

Configure the Email Service Connection

  1. Log in to Inimco.facts on a subscription level. You will be taken to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to Service Connections.
  3. Click the + icon in the top right corner.
  4. Click IoT E-Mail Telemetry.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Enter the connetion name into the Name field.
  7. In the Schema field input the following details:
"Type": "XXXX",
"InputEmailUser": "XXXX",
"InputEmailBox": "XXXX",
"InputEmailTenantId": "XXXX",
"InputEmailClientId": "XXXX",
"InputEmailClientSecret": "XXXX",
"OutputSubscriptionId": "XXXX",
"OutputDeviceId": "XXXX"

Replace XXXX with the respective credentials.

  1. Click SAVE.
  2. Test the connection to ensure data is being retrieved from the email. Check if the XML files are correctly parsed and the telemetry data is being mapped to the respective devices.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • The system uniquely identifies each subscription by the email receiver or inbox.

  • For performance optimization, predictions estimate that each email, which is 7kb in size as an XML file, translates to 50 telemetry data points. It's expected that up to 100 emails are processed daily.

  • Ensure that the email attachments from CP Energie are named "data.xml" and are in XML format.

  • The system works with Office 365 authentication using the MS Graph OAuth method with application permissions.

  • Continuously monitor the health of the service connection to ensure seamless integration and data retrieval.