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Setting Up Jira Service Management Cloud Integration

Environment access level

The Jira Service Management Cloud Integration feature allows Facts to integrate and fetch data from your Jira Service Management Cloud. This tutorial will guide administrators through the configuration of the Jira service connection and enable the transfer of data.


The system connects to the Jira Service Management Cloud using specified credentials to retrieve pertinent data for a given project. The retrieved data is automatically processed and presented within the Facts platform.


  • Admin access to the Facts platform.
  • Credentials and necessary details for your Jira Service Management Cloud instance.
  • Knowledge of the specific Jira project and associated details.
  • Admin access to the Facts platform

Configure the Jira Service Management Cloud Connection

  1. Log in to Inimco.facts on an admin level. You'll be redirected to the Home screen.
  2. Navigate to Service Connections.
  3. Click Jira Service Management Cloud.
  4. Click NEXT.
  5. Click on the + icon located in the top right corner.
  6. Enter your connection name into the Name field.
  7. In the Schema field, input the following details:
"domain": "YOUR_JIRA_DOMAIN",
"auth": {
"method": "basic",
"credentials": {
"username": "YOUR_USERNAME",
"password": "YOUR_PASSWORD"
"project": {
"projectKey": "YOUR_PROJECT_KEY",
"serviceDeskId": "YOUR_SERVICE_DESK_ID",
"requestTypeId": "YOUR_REQUEST_TYPE_ID",
"organizations": [
// Add more organizations if needed.

Replace placeholders with the respective information from your Jira instance.

  1. Click SAVE.
  2. Test the connection to ensure that data is being retrieved from Jira. Check if the project details, tickets, and other pertinent information are being accurately presented in Facts.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensure the project key, service desk ID, request type ID, and organization details are accurate to avoid discrepancies in data retrieval.

  • Continuously monitor the health of the service connection to ensure uninterrupted integration and data retrieval.