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Requirements for Virtual Appliance Setup

This section outlines the prerequisites necessary for setting up and using Facts. These prerequisites encompass hardware and software requirements.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • 1 vCPU of 1 Ghz - x64 CPU architecture

  • At least 2GB of RAM

  • At least 20GB of disk space

  • 1 Network interface

  • Internet access (direct, via proxy or security appliance)

  • 2 vCPU - at least 2Ghz - x64 CPU architecture

  • At least 4GB of RAM

  • At least 40GB of disk space

  • 2 Network interfaces

  • Internet access (direct, via proxy or security appliance)


The specific hardware requirements for the device may vary, depending on the particular use case and workload executed on the device.

Software Requirements

Inimco.facts makes extensive use of Virtual Appliances for seamless integration and data collection from various industrial systems. These Virtual Appliances are essentially pre-packaged software units that include an operating system and application layers, encapsulating all dependencies into a single unit for straightforward deployment and ease of management.

In the context of Inimco.facts, Virtual Appliances serve as the intermediary, linking the IoT-driven data collection to the processing and analysis components of the system. This linkage is made possible irrespective of the physical or virtual nature of the processing infrastructure, and regardless of the specific details of the networked industrial devices that produce the data.

Inimco.facts' Virtual Appliances need to be set up on one of the following hypervisors:

Generating SSH Keys (optional)

This article will guide you in generating the SSH keys


  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator

  2. Execute the following command:

  3. Leave the passphrase blank.

  4. Use the default locations by pressing Enter.

That’s it! You can now find your public SSH key ( in the following location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.ssh


  1. Use the ssh-keygen command to generate your SSH key pair. This key pair will include a public key (for remote systems) and a private key (for your client system):

By default, your SSH keys are stored in the .ssh directory under your home directory. The private key is typically named id_rsa, and the public key is named

  1. Inform the system about your private key with the ssh-add command. Replace DIR_PATH/keypairforssh with the location of your private key:
ssh-add DIR_PATH/keypairforssh
  1. Connect to the remote system using the ssh command. Replace [username] with a valid user on the remote system and hostname with a DNS-recognizable name or IP address.
ssh [username]@hostname

If your private key is not added to the key agent, you can connect using this format:

ssh -i /path/to/private/key/file username@hostname
  1. Copy Files Between Client and Remote Systems using the scp command:

For example, to transfer a file from your local machine to a remote directory, you can use the following command (replace the paths and username as needed):

scp ~/Documents/documentForLinux.txt seeni@linuxhandbook:~/Documents

You can also copy files in reverse direction:

scp  seeni@linuxhandbook:~/Documents/documentForLinux.txt ~/Documents
  1. Mount Remote Filesystem or Directory using the sshfs command:
sshfs name@server:/path/to/remote/folder /path/to/local/mount/point

Replace name with the username accepted on the remote system and server with the remote hostname.