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A rule is a a user-defined formula or set of formulas that are executed on the data received from an IoT device. These rules process the data and generate an output, which can be a newly calculated value or a custom event. Depending on the type of rule, they can be executed either in real-time or periodically, and on a single device or across multiple devices.

Real-time rules

These are user-defined rules, executed on any new telemetry message coming from an IoT device. The output of these rules could be a newly calculated value or a custom event. The rules are described as one or more formulas inside an Excel file. For instance, the formula "=A2+B2" may calculate a new custom telemetry value from two other telemetry values from the same IoT device. Currently, real-time rules are executed within the same IoT device telemetry values in real-time or periodically.

Visual metric panels

These are user-designed graphical visual representations of a single IoT device, process, or production line with numbers, texts, and colors calculated from data. Two data sources are allowed: the latest real-time telemetry from an IoT device for visualizing current equipment status, and an analytic calculation source for company, division, product line metrics across time periods – week, month, year, etc.