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A model represents a data structure in Inimco.facts, created based on the Digital Twins Definition Language (DTDL). It defines both the structure and behavior of other items within the system.

Models in Inimco.facts are used to create data structures. They are instrumental in defining properties, interfaces, components, and schemas for the platform.

Blank Models

In the context of creating a new model in Inimco.facts, Blank refers to a template option for creating a model that doesn't inherit or extend from any predefined or built-in model types. Essentially, it offers a clean slate to define a new model from scratch.

Generated Model for Blank:

"@id": "dtmi:com:inimco:facts:randomstringhere;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;3",
"displayName": "",
"contents": []

When the Blank option is selected, the system automatically generates an identifier with a random string to ensure uniqueness. This model doesn't have predefined fields or behavior inherited from other models.

A platform user might select the Blank option if they want to create a completely new model type that doesn't match any of the platform's existing model definitions. It provides flexibility for unique model requirements.


DataSet appears to be one of the built-in or predefined model types from which a new model can be derived or extended. The DataSet seems to provide a structure for organizing and representing a collection of data in the platform.

Generated Model for DataSet:

"@id": "dtmi:com:inimco:facts:datasetgyjvo;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;3",
"displayName": "DataSet gyjvordem",
"extends": "dtmi:com:inimco:facts:base:dataset;1",
"contents": []

When a platform admin selects the DataSet option, the system generates a model that extends the properties and behaviors of the base DataSet. The generated model will have specific fields that match the DataSet type and might include additional metadata or characteristics.

If a platform admin wants to define a new model that organizes data in a manner similar to the existing DataSet model but with specific customizations or extensions, they might choose the DataSet option.